I am SICK. I don't know if I've ever been this sick. I rarely get sick... the last time I was 'really' sick was when I was 19 & I had the flu. Well, I think I have/had food poisoning... or maybe like 24 hour bug or something. Sunday night around midnight I started feeling nauseous and threw up. Then, every 20-30 minute from midnight until 2pm the next day I was throwing up... most of the time sitting on the toilet with diarrhea and throwing up into a trash can. So I got zero sleep... and just felt like I was going to die. It was terrible. Then it started to get better and I was able to sit on the couch and not throw up for about two hours... and then every muscle in my body started aching, and I was running a fever.... and just moaning and too weak to move. I'm guessing it was because I was really dehydrated. Either way it was a nightmare. Last night I was considering going to the hospital, but I was so sure I was going to die anyway that I definitely didn't want to die with an IV in my arm. Ugh. Sounds dramatic, but I'm being serious. I laid down at 11pm, passed out... and didn't wake up until noon today when Ben was forcing me to drink some gatorade. I'm feeling weak, but better. I'm about to try some chicken noodle soup.
Sooo... all that throwing up and not eating should be good for my weight loss, right? haha. If there's any perk in this, I guess that would be it, right? I did crappy for the majority of last week and was fully expecting a gain. I'm down exactly 2 pounds. So, yet again, I haven't seen a number this low on the scale in years! It's kind of nice even though I realize at this point it isn't permanent. I could try to fool myself into thinking that by eating like crap on occasion I "jump started" my metabolism... but really, it's just from not having really eaten anything. But I can work hard this week and hopefully not gain next Tuesday and be good to go!
On Saturday I went and did our first 'real' grocery shop since last August when we moved into this house. I got a ton of weight watchers friendly food so we don't have an excuse for fucking up. This week is spring break so I don't have my P.E. class. The weather has been nice and I fully planned on getting lots of walking in. I still want to, but at this point it's hard to imagine doing anything I'm so weak.
I still need to post pictures of the bridal shower invitation, but I can hardly move right now, so that will have to wait.
Oh! Saturday I found white pumps for my bridal shower dress! They're perfect! They're peep toe, white, with a wooden heal and I paid $9.54 for them after tax! Score! They're actually like a size too small... but they don't fall off when I walk so that's good, and they aren't uncomfortable just on so they'll be fine. I wouldn't be able to walk around in them or go dancing or anything... but for driving to my shower, mostly sitting, and going home... they're perfect. Can't be the price!
I have more to update about, but I'm feeling kind of gross, so I'm going to go lay down.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I am obviously not writing in this daily, which I need to do.
I am not writing down my food, which I also need to do.
The last couple of days, I have thrown good eating habits out the window entirely.
I'm drinking more diet coke than water.
I'm still getting in exercise, but that isn't enough.
I NEED HELP. I need to be held accountable. Please annoy the crap out of me about this if I start slacking again, I REALLY can't afford to do this.
To catch you up to speed on the last week... last Sunday was our first dance lesson & everything was covered in several inches of snow. We showed up at the place (there was no phone number or email) and sat in the car in the parking lot because the lights were off inside. There were two other cars in the parking lot -- one with a couple about our age, and one older man. No one else ever showed up... those people left, we left. So we didn't have our first dance lesson (or my exercise) due to the snow... and Ben is working this Sunday so we'll miss that too, assuming there is one. I HATE missing the first class... I hate missing any at all, and I really wish he could get out of this. :(
We also had a meeting with a couple at our church that's been married for 47 years. We are doing a program with them that takes 5 weeks where we meet at their house and talk about stuff. Naturally, Ben and I assumed it would be a nightmare. haha. The first night went really well and even though I feel like I'm "squeezing" it in because I'm so busy with other stuff, it's not something I dread. Although, week 4 I think we talk about sex... which isn't exactly my cup of tea, but we'll get through it, I imagine. My cheeks will be beat red I'm sure.
Tuesday was weigh-in day... I lost a pound and Ben lost three. He wasn't happy with those numbers, but I definitely was. I'm hitting numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in years and it feels good. The closer to goal I get the slower this weight is going to come off, I know. This week I'm definitely not so hopeful.
We have no groceries and I have no money and I've just been binging. We went to see Twilight and got popcorn (WITH BUTTER) and last night we took Ben's bff to see Watchmen (longest movie ever) and AGAIN got popcorn - WITH BUTTER. I also got sour patch kids. I had pizza for lunch (well, and breakfast and dinner, I guess... that's all I ate, and it WAS thin crust, but COME ON.)
I haven't been awake long today because I slept in, but for 'breakfast' I've had a diet coke and an ande's mint. Does that look like I'm ready to 'make change?' I NEED to find $ and go grocery shopping. I HAVE to make this a priority. Even if I don't lose any more... I CANNOT gain. And at this rate, I absolutely will.
Exercise has been okay because two days a week I have my hour + 15 min long PE class. But that will be ending soon and I have to keep moving somehow. I was banking on the dance lessons for some extra activity, but the first one was cancelled ( I guess?) and we'll miss the second and UGH. I hate that we're missing one.
My bridal shower invitation came in the mail yesterday! My bff/MOH made them and they're adorable! She's the best! I'll have to have Ben take some pictures later. Today I need to go back out on the hunt for white pumps.
OH OH OH... and I got a bunch of RSVPs back this week, but remember my childhood friends from CA? THEY'RE COMING! They're parents can't (probably b/c they're paying for the girls, lol) but I'm so thrilled they're coming!
and because I didn't put any other pictures in here, and I really wanted to share this with someone.... I'm scanning old pictures of me as a kid for Ben to make a slideshow to play during the reception... and my mom found some pictures of my dad & I that I had never seen before that really mean a lot to me. They're from my 'brother's' wedding... I was a bridesmaid, and there's one of me and my dad, AND one of me and my dad DANCING! It's not a great picture, kind of just a throw away snapshot, but since I won't get to have any good pictures of my dad & I dancing at my wedding, it was really nice to find one of us dancing at someone else's.

I am obviously not writing in this daily, which I need to do.
I am not writing down my food, which I also need to do.
The last couple of days, I have thrown good eating habits out the window entirely.
I'm drinking more diet coke than water.
I'm still getting in exercise, but that isn't enough.
I NEED HELP. I need to be held accountable. Please annoy the crap out of me about this if I start slacking again, I REALLY can't afford to do this.
To catch you up to speed on the last week... last Sunday was our first dance lesson & everything was covered in several inches of snow. We showed up at the place (there was no phone number or email) and sat in the car in the parking lot because the lights were off inside. There were two other cars in the parking lot -- one with a couple about our age, and one older man. No one else ever showed up... those people left, we left. So we didn't have our first dance lesson (or my exercise) due to the snow... and Ben is working this Sunday so we'll miss that too, assuming there is one. I HATE missing the first class... I hate missing any at all, and I really wish he could get out of this. :(
We also had a meeting with a couple at our church that's been married for 47 years. We are doing a program with them that takes 5 weeks where we meet at their house and talk about stuff. Naturally, Ben and I assumed it would be a nightmare. haha. The first night went really well and even though I feel like I'm "squeezing" it in because I'm so busy with other stuff, it's not something I dread. Although, week 4 I think we talk about sex... which isn't exactly my cup of tea, but we'll get through it, I imagine. My cheeks will be beat red I'm sure.
Tuesday was weigh-in day... I lost a pound and Ben lost three. He wasn't happy with those numbers, but I definitely was. I'm hitting numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in years and it feels good. The closer to goal I get the slower this weight is going to come off, I know. This week I'm definitely not so hopeful.
We have no groceries and I have no money and I've just been binging. We went to see Twilight and got popcorn (WITH BUTTER) and last night we took Ben's bff to see Watchmen (longest movie ever) and AGAIN got popcorn - WITH BUTTER. I also got sour patch kids. I had pizza for lunch (well, and breakfast and dinner, I guess... that's all I ate, and it WAS thin crust, but COME ON.)
I haven't been awake long today because I slept in, but for 'breakfast' I've had a diet coke and an ande's mint. Does that look like I'm ready to 'make change?' I NEED to find $ and go grocery shopping. I HAVE to make this a priority. Even if I don't lose any more... I CANNOT gain. And at this rate, I absolutely will.
Exercise has been okay because two days a week I have my hour + 15 min long PE class. But that will be ending soon and I have to keep moving somehow. I was banking on the dance lessons for some extra activity, but the first one was cancelled ( I guess?) and we'll miss the second and UGH. I hate that we're missing one.
My bridal shower invitation came in the mail yesterday! My bff/MOH made them and they're adorable! She's the best! I'll have to have Ben take some pictures later. Today I need to go back out on the hunt for white pumps.
OH OH OH... and I got a bunch of RSVPs back this week, but remember my childhood friends from CA? THEY'RE COMING! They're parents can't (probably b/c they're paying for the girls, lol) but I'm so thrilled they're coming!
and because I didn't put any other pictures in here, and I really wanted to share this with someone.... I'm scanning old pictures of me as a kid for Ben to make a slideshow to play during the reception... and my mom found some pictures of my dad & I that I had never seen before that really mean a lot to me. They're from my 'brother's' wedding... I was a bridesmaid, and there's one of me and my dad, AND one of me and my dad DANCING! It's not a great picture, kind of just a throw away snapshot, but since I won't get to have any good pictures of my dad & I dancing at my wedding, it was really nice to find one of us dancing at someone else's.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
March Madness!
No, I'm not talking about the basketball tournament. Welcome to March... it was 70 degrees here yesterday and today it is snowing, we've gotten several inches so far and it isn't stopping any time soon! Hopefully it'll be warm again for my shower in less than three weeks! :O
I need to start blogging daily again and not just saying 'food was good' but writing down everything that I ate. I'm still on board but I am seeing that I'm starting to get sloppy and taking a bite of this or a bite of that and it will really add up.
Tonight is the first of our ballroom dancing lessons and I am so excited. Unfortunately, most things shut down entirely when it snows here (every few years) so Ben and I aren't sure if they'll have the class. We signed up online so there is no number to call, we'll just have to go and see what happens. I hope it works out because I'm also counting it as some exercise for today since I can't get outside to do anything else (besides make a snowman, etc. haha)
Not sure if I updated about this yet, but Thursday we had the final taste testing and finalized everything for the reception menu. We'll have two passed appetizers -- vegetarian spring rolls (SO good) and stuffed mushrooms that are stuffed with some kind of cheese that is definitely a gift from God, and spinach. Then we have two kinds of salads -- a tossed salad with all the fixings, as well as a cucumber & tomato salad in an italian dressing base. I don't eat tomatoes but mom & Ben assure me it tastes good, haha. Then of course we'll have big rolls to go with the dinner. I went 'white meat' for the two entrees. All of the beef options were far too fancy for my palate, Ben & I don't like seafood & don't want the smell and I wasn't feeling pasta. The chicken option is baked chicken stuffed with feta, sun-dried tomatoes and spinach topped with a cream sauce. Sounds like something I'd never eat but I actually liked it. Then we have a honey dijon crusted pork loin with a dijon sauce... it was amazing, I think. Those will be served with garlic mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. I think it'll work well. I'm also happy because my sister and her family are all vegetarians and they can eat everything aside from the two meat entrees. For the kids meals I did a cheese pizza with a fruit cup, I figure all the kids will like that and it works for her two little ones who are also vegetarians.
Tomorrow is my first fitting for my gown... and I have my veil, shoes, strapless bra, etc ready. Mom ordered a veil on ebay, and I hadn't seen it until it arrived. It's just okay. It's two tier and we were wanting one tier, and the crystal beading is much thicker than we had thought/wanted. Since it's not from a store it's not like we can just return it, so we decided we'd hold off on making the 'official' judgement until I have it on with the rest of the ensemble tomorrow at the fitting. I'm more optimistic that it'll be fine than mom is, it seems.
My MOH (who lives in NY) wanted to see the dress I got for the shower so she has an idea for when she goes shopping for her dress, so I had Ben snap a few pics last night. I just threw it on, and put my shoes on to get some 'general idea' pics, so don't be too judgemental, lol.
Here's the dress for my shower --

I'm sure it'll look much better once I'm a bit more tan... haha. But it works, it's green & lime is one of my wedding colors, and I think it fits for a spring time bridal shower. Hopefully there's no freak snow.
I do need a pair of white heels for it though. I was thinking just a nice pair of classic white pumps. FSIL needs white heels for her shower dress as well. Yesterday we went to... drumroll please... - Kohl's, two Rosses, two Targets, Rugged Warehouse, The Shoe Carnival, two Rack Rooms, Payless, TJ Maxx, Dillard's, DSW, Famous Footwear, The Shoe Shop .... is that everything? I think so. NONE OF THEM HAD WHITE HEELS. Well, one did but they were like $45 and I'm not paying that much. A couple other places had white dress shoes but they were that gross like 1" heel height and I don't like those.
So Ben calls and I tell him what we're up to and he's like "Oh I know where you can find some!" so I'm thinking "Ugh, what a girl... BUT I LOVE HIM! WHERE?!" haha... and he's like "They're a little expensive..." ... "They're over $300 but they are AT HOME IN YOUR CLOSET." haha
He's speaking, of course, of my Stuart Weitzman Lovers which have yet to be dyed. I did consider wearing them for the shower, and mom said that I should... but I just don't want to. It's the women that will fully appreciate these shoes and I don't want to show them off now before the wedding when they're dyed fuchsia and extra fabulous. I might wind up having to wear them though if I can't find other white shoes.
So I had Ben take some photos of them last night! And here they are...

and then here is how the back is... it's a little zipper and then the bow snaps over it so I don't have to worry about tying a pretty bow.

& because I still can't believe it... I have to post this. I don't regret it AT ALL, which is the most surprising part to me.

So there they are in all their Bridal Glory! hahaha
I also got my earrings yesterday. I won't say anything about the dress in case Ben reads this.... but yeah , I got my earrings. When I go for my hair trial I might change them. If there is enough hair down in front to pull these giant ones off than I will, but if it mostly winds up being down behind my shoulders I will switch to something a little smaller.

and here's a sneak peak at the kid's Coloring/Activity books for the wedding.

They are printed on heavy white cardstock and will have ribbons to tie them (right now they're just paperclipped) I bought a fuchsia polka dot ribbon for the girls and then a green & white damask patterned ribbon for the boys but the photo didn't capture it well at all. I also have little keychain sized marker packs to attach.

& then here are a few example pages from the inside:

Wow... adding pictures to this thing takes an incredibly long time. I'm going to jet off to get ready for the dance lesson now! YAY!
I need to start blogging daily again and not just saying 'food was good' but writing down everything that I ate. I'm still on board but I am seeing that I'm starting to get sloppy and taking a bite of this or a bite of that and it will really add up.
Tonight is the first of our ballroom dancing lessons and I am so excited. Unfortunately, most things shut down entirely when it snows here (every few years) so Ben and I aren't sure if they'll have the class. We signed up online so there is no number to call, we'll just have to go and see what happens. I hope it works out because I'm also counting it as some exercise for today since I can't get outside to do anything else (besides make a snowman, etc. haha)
Not sure if I updated about this yet, but Thursday we had the final taste testing and finalized everything for the reception menu. We'll have two passed appetizers -- vegetarian spring rolls (SO good) and stuffed mushrooms that are stuffed with some kind of cheese that is definitely a gift from God, and spinach. Then we have two kinds of salads -- a tossed salad with all the fixings, as well as a cucumber & tomato salad in an italian dressing base. I don't eat tomatoes but mom & Ben assure me it tastes good, haha. Then of course we'll have big rolls to go with the dinner. I went 'white meat' for the two entrees. All of the beef options were far too fancy for my palate, Ben & I don't like seafood & don't want the smell and I wasn't feeling pasta. The chicken option is baked chicken stuffed with feta, sun-dried tomatoes and spinach topped with a cream sauce. Sounds like something I'd never eat but I actually liked it. Then we have a honey dijon crusted pork loin with a dijon sauce... it was amazing, I think. Those will be served with garlic mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. I think it'll work well. I'm also happy because my sister and her family are all vegetarians and they can eat everything aside from the two meat entrees. For the kids meals I did a cheese pizza with a fruit cup, I figure all the kids will like that and it works for her two little ones who are also vegetarians.
Tomorrow is my first fitting for my gown... and I have my veil, shoes, strapless bra, etc ready. Mom ordered a veil on ebay, and I hadn't seen it until it arrived. It's just okay. It's two tier and we were wanting one tier, and the crystal beading is much thicker than we had thought/wanted. Since it's not from a store it's not like we can just return it, so we decided we'd hold off on making the 'official' judgement until I have it on with the rest of the ensemble tomorrow at the fitting. I'm more optimistic that it'll be fine than mom is, it seems.
My MOH (who lives in NY) wanted to see the dress I got for the shower so she has an idea for when she goes shopping for her dress, so I had Ben snap a few pics last night. I just threw it on, and put my shoes on to get some 'general idea' pics, so don't be too judgemental, lol.
Here's the dress for my shower --
I'm sure it'll look much better once I'm a bit more tan... haha. But it works, it's green & lime is one of my wedding colors, and I think it fits for a spring time bridal shower. Hopefully there's no freak snow.
I do need a pair of white heels for it though. I was thinking just a nice pair of classic white pumps. FSIL needs white heels for her shower dress as well. Yesterday we went to... drumroll please... - Kohl's, two Rosses, two Targets, Rugged Warehouse, The Shoe Carnival, two Rack Rooms, Payless, TJ Maxx, Dillard's, DSW, Famous Footwear, The Shoe Shop .... is that everything? I think so. NONE OF THEM HAD WHITE HEELS. Well, one did but they were like $45 and I'm not paying that much. A couple other places had white dress shoes but they were that gross like 1" heel height and I don't like those.
So Ben calls and I tell him what we're up to and he's like "Oh I know where you can find some!" so I'm thinking "Ugh, what a girl... BUT I LOVE HIM! WHERE?!" haha... and he's like "They're a little expensive..." ... "They're over $300 but they are AT HOME IN YOUR CLOSET." haha
He's speaking, of course, of my Stuart Weitzman Lovers which have yet to be dyed. I did consider wearing them for the shower, and mom said that I should... but I just don't want to. It's the women that will fully appreciate these shoes and I don't want to show them off now before the wedding when they're dyed fuchsia and extra fabulous. I might wind up having to wear them though if I can't find other white shoes.
So I had Ben take some photos of them last night! And here they are...
and then here is how the back is... it's a little zipper and then the bow snaps over it so I don't have to worry about tying a pretty bow.
& because I still can't believe it... I have to post this. I don't regret it AT ALL, which is the most surprising part to me.
So there they are in all their Bridal Glory! hahaha
I also got my earrings yesterday. I won't say anything about the dress in case Ben reads this.... but yeah , I got my earrings. When I go for my hair trial I might change them. If there is enough hair down in front to pull these giant ones off than I will, but if it mostly winds up being down behind my shoulders I will switch to something a little smaller.
and here's a sneak peak at the kid's Coloring/Activity books for the wedding.
They are printed on heavy white cardstock and will have ribbons to tie them (right now they're just paperclipped) I bought a fuchsia polka dot ribbon for the girls and then a green & white damask patterned ribbon for the boys but the photo didn't capture it well at all. I also have little keychain sized marker packs to attach.
& then here are a few example pages from the inside:
Wow... adding pictures to this thing takes an incredibly long time. I'm going to jet off to get ready for the dance lesson now! YAY!
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