Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ugh... I feel AWFUL

I am SICK. I don't know if I've ever been this sick. I rarely get sick... the last time I was 'really' sick was when I was 19 & I had the flu. Well, I think I have/had food poisoning... or maybe like 24 hour bug or something. Sunday night around midnight I started feeling nauseous and threw up. Then, every 20-30 minute from midnight until 2pm the next day I was throwing up... most of the time sitting on the toilet with diarrhea and throwing up into a trash can. So I got zero sleep... and just felt like I was going to die. It was terrible. Then it started to get better and I was able to sit on the couch and not throw up for about two hours... and then every muscle in my body started aching, and I was running a fever.... and just moaning and too weak to move. I'm guessing it was because I was really dehydrated. Either way it was a nightmare. Last night I was considering going to the hospital, but I was so sure I was going to die anyway that I definitely didn't want to die with an IV in my arm. Ugh. Sounds dramatic, but I'm being serious. I laid down at 11pm, passed out... and didn't wake up until noon today when Ben was forcing me to drink some gatorade. I'm feeling weak, but better. I'm about to try some chicken noodle soup.

Sooo... all that throwing up and not eating should be good for my weight loss, right? haha. If there's any perk in this, I guess that would be it, right? I did crappy for the majority of last week and was fully expecting a gain. I'm down exactly 2 pounds. So, yet again, I haven't seen a number this low on the scale in years! It's kind of nice even though I realize at this point it isn't permanent. I could try to fool myself into thinking that by eating like crap on occasion I "jump started" my metabolism... but really, it's just from not having really eaten anything. But I can work hard this week and hopefully not gain next Tuesday and be good to go!

On Saturday I went and did our first 'real' grocery shop since last August when we moved into this house. I got a ton of weight watchers friendly food so we don't have an excuse for fucking up. This week is spring break so I don't have my P.E. class. The weather has been nice and I fully planned on getting lots of walking in. I still want to, but at this point it's hard to imagine doing anything I'm so weak.

I still need to post pictures of the bridal shower invitation, but I can hardly move right now, so that will have to wait.

Oh! Saturday I found white pumps for my bridal shower dress! They're perfect! They're peep toe, white, with a wooden heal and I paid $9.54 for them after tax! Score! They're actually like a size too small... but they don't fall off when I walk so that's good, and they aren't uncomfortable just on so they'll be fine. I wouldn't be able to walk around in them or go dancing or anything... but for driving to my shower, mostly sitting, and going home... they're perfect. Can't be the price!

I have more to update about, but I'm feeling kind of gross, so I'm going to go lay down.


  1. Well sick does help with weight loss LOL. I hope your feeling better now (i know I'm reading blogs late--sorry it was because all my links were saved on my old hard drive!. I'm all caught up now!)
